March Round Up

So, a little late (read, nearly half way through the new month), but here is my round up for March. I read a real assortment of books last month: some historical, some fantasy, some criminal, and enjoyed all of them. I love it when books live up to the expectations you have for them, or … Continue reading March Round Up

‘The Memory Chamber’, Holly Cave

If you could create your own heaven, what would you put in it? Which special memories would you preserve forever? Now, with the invention of personal heavens, you can spend death reliving those moments: your first kiss, the birth of your children, hot summer holidays, over and over again. The central character in 'The Memory … Continue reading ‘The Memory Chamber’, Holly Cave

‘I Should Have Read That Book!’ tag

I nabbed this 'I Should Have Read That Book' tag from @Jessticulates after reading through her list and realising that it sounded a fun one to compile. (Tag originally created by Beth at If anyone reads this and also fancies giving it a go, consider this a tag. (Four tags for you, Glen Coco. … Continue reading ‘I Should Have Read That Book!’ tag

Stephen King, ‘Pet Sematary’ and Others

If you ask people for a Stephen King recommendation, they'll usually point you in the direction of 'Pet Sematary', or other well known favourites like 'The Shining', 'It', or 'Salem's Lot', and I can understand why. 'Pet Sematary' is one of those books that I've known about for years, but have never got round to … Continue reading Stephen King, ‘Pet Sematary’ and Others

International Women’s Day

Happy (belated) International Women's Day! (Although since pies get an entire week to celebrate their existence I don't see why we can't extend IWD into at least the weekend...) Anyway: to recognise this day and the creativity and brilliance of literary women, below is a list of female authors/books by women that I love and … Continue reading International Women’s Day

‘The Last’, Hanna Jameson

I love a good apocalyptic piece of fiction, so Hanna Jameson's 'The Last' naturally appealed. Our narrator, Jon Keller, is staying at a remote hotel in Switzerland while he attends an academic conference in the area (there's always going to be trouble if academics are involved, just saying), when the news breaks that nuclear bombs … Continue reading ‘The Last’, Hanna Jameson

February Round Up

As this is my first (proper) post on here, I thought the best way to begin would be to list the books that I read, and generally loved, throughout February. I won't review all of them at this point, but I'll pick three that I really did enjoy and give a bit more detail about … Continue reading February Round Up